Friday, October 28, 2016

Broken Heart and New Start.

December is coming up. It will have been a year this December since him and I went back to our separate worlds, and yet, somedays I still think about what we were like together. It would be a lie to say I don't miss some parts of what we were. Because when I found him, "I found love, where it wasn't supposed to be.. right in front of me." </3 

Yes, its true, I do still miss you. 
But life goes on and I will too.



Thursday, October 27, 2016

October is revealing

The past few weeks have been so strange/ eye opening. One was spent frantically hurrying to make up work I had not done but was supposed to have had done, and the other was a mix of feeling exhausted and sick or exercising.

 I had my first track meet, and that was so interesting. For some reason, I felt like I belonged. And I haven't felt that way in a long time, despite how it sometimes appears. It's been a sign that life will go on, even if it is rough at the time. I can go on, and I will be ok. That is what I have learned from this past month.