Saturday, March 5, 2016

There's no such thing as a "Perfect Artist".

I see so many people.. who simply give up on art because they are "not good enough to be an artist." And it is really quite sad. Because I think that no, not everyone is a good artist, but everyone can be. It just takes determination. 

I was an awful artist just years ago and am still according to their terms, "not good enough" .. yet I sketch.  I sketch daily. I practice by doing what I suck at. And that is what it takes.. simply doing art. And why not have fun while doing so? Anyways.. just some motivation.. if you think your a crappy artist, or have an art block.. take a break to watch a movie or look through a magazine for a tiny bit, then come back and just sketch. Sketch like you mean it, like an artist.

And of course Im including the quotes /: ) 

♥ ♥ ♥


Must Have songs for Inspiration:

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