Sunday, March 6, 2016

Leaving a friend / Being left.. it hurts, but maybe its for the best.

Recently, I have had my closest friend become distant. The person I trusted and admired the most out of all of my friends, was slowly becoming unknown and mean.... Its been about two months of them not talking except an occasional reply to old texts. It sort of feels like someone you like a way. So if anyone is going through anything like that, I am sincerely sorry. And if I can get through it, you can too... also, I think its a good idea to try using good songs to help, maybe getting a spotify or pandora account and listen to different songs that are overall not sad, either that or a hobby so your not focused on the problem, but also not ignoring it.. that is what I have been doing that really helps. Art really is a good way to channel frustration and sadness and turn it into something prettier and a bit more colorful. I dont know if that really helped anyone, but it felt good to write : ) and I hope everyone reading this knows there not alone. : ) <3


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