Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Being Alone Isn't Always Awful. Sometimes, It Helps You Grow The Most.

Our lives are ones that we alone can say we have lived. No other person has lived our exact lives. Every day, every detail, every thought,  make something we have experienced; all things we alone have done in that specific way. We are all able to say this. Though, despite this, almost all of us have people that we share certain moments with. Moments that may be observed differently, but that two people can share.  For example I can think back on many times that I have experienced as a part of this personal life story but that have also been shared with others. Moments spent with another person, making them a part of this story. Not so much a "I alone experienced", but rather a "together we experienced" moment. Though, on the contrary, I can also think of times in which I have had nobody to share life with. Nobody to see or attempt to see my perspective, and eventually I end up thinking that the world I see is probably different than the world you see. This thought is a very strange and astounding one to me. The idea that we see things differently despite all the common occurrences. Obvious, and yet astounding. In fact, sometimes, I just want to share these moments and feelings with people so they can possibly get a glimpse of how I live. I think I find a certain happiness from sharing experiences or feelings with others. Mainly because I like being able to share my view and love for life. (Which I'm sure constantly annoys the people who know me the most as I am often saying things like "ahhh look how pretty this moment is!" or "look at this view. I love life for this specific reason." and their reply is usually "I know. You've only pointed that out thirty times." Haha.) See, I think when people tell me I am very passionate about life, it is because of this. But, I guess its the way I am, and I honestly cant complain. Living the way I do, sort of makes life more exhilarating then it was meant to be. Though, there are some times, that I have nobody to share life with. And its these times that I go through life with a numbness to me. I think being alone forces you to grow on your own. Because when nobody can tell you how to live, and nobody influences you,  you are left to think and experience alone. It can feel cold , but for some strange reason, I think it is maybe beautiful. A harsh beauty possibly. But there's something beautiful about someone enduring, (sometimes even with nothing but the hope that things will eventually provide opportunity for something better.) A person living , even when they are alone. See, even when a person is alone, they are still growing and thinking.

Whenever I think my life is undesirable,  I realize that in a way, it is still a beautiful life, because it is one where I am fulfilling the purpose of life-- to live. So, I guess when I have days like today, when I feel like a person in a separate world, I just need to look back on the perspective that life, in and of itself, is , beautiful. And I'm still progressing, in my own little ways. And thats what matters. <3

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