Tuesday, July 19, 2016

You are not what others perceive you to be.

So, lately I've been thinking about the idea that how others see you does not define what you are or can be. Our lives are all different than what we show- in fact , we rarely see each others chaos and struggle, because its more comfortable to hide it. But this is an awful way of us to be, because it makes us all think of others as "perfect" or to think that the whole world (besides us) has no struggles because thats what they show when you see them for the second, minute, or short hour spent with them. So judgment is easy, but , I think its important for us to consider, no matter who it is, a kid, a teen, an adult, any person, that we all struggle, we all have crap in our lives. And I think this helps us to not want to give up in life. It also helps us to realize that just like others aren't always as they appear, we aren't as we appear to others. So why would you believe or even let something persuade you that is based on the fraction of emotion and facts that others see? This is something I'm constantly learning , especially as i'm getting older. Ive noticed that a lot of people try to be different then themselves to please the people who tell them they are or aren't things. And this seems so crazy to me (yet it is ridiculously relatable to what I do personally), that a person would change who they are so that they can feel accepted and be told they are "good " or "fit in" .  I think its very understandable when you consider that not being accepted or thought well of by others can really hurt, but I also think that if your living to please others, your not going to be happy yourself. Its a very interesting thing, determining how much of others influence you will let in. Anyways, I have just arrived back from the trip, which I will post about tomorrow, and I am gonna head to bed, nights <3

xoxo / Savannah

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